Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am thankful....

Today, I feel pretty good. I deserve this after 2 really bad days of relentless pain and sever fatigue. I also experienced what I call sensory overload. This is the most difficult part of Fibromyalgia for me. There is nothing like walking into a room and being able to smell every little smell good and bad. Uggghhhh, this causes me severe nausea. When I have this going on, which is quite frequent, I also must wear ear plugs. It is awful because I can not enjoy some of those beautiful sounds around me because they give me a terrible headache, dizziness and nausea. Also, I must keep the lights very dim. I am learning ways to deal with all of us, like the earplugs, breathing out through my mouth only, not to catch every smell. I am always open to more suggestions. Anyway, i am not going to dwell on the bad things today. Today, is a day to be grateful because I don't have many like them. I am still in my pajamas as usual. LOL I have accomplished quite a bit though. I am taking on the challenge of decluttering my condo, which in turn will help declutter my mind! YAY! I can't wait till this project is done. It may take awhile, but I am learning patience in a whole new way, thanks to fibro. I have managed to put almost all the piles of clean clothes sitting in random places, where they belong. I am also playing catch up and am on the fourth load of laundry. I must take lots of breaks in between doing these things, or else I will pay tomorrow. It is so difficult for me to do this, because I want to be superwoman like I used to, but that is no longer me and I must accept that God has given me many new challenges to overcome and I must learn from them.

I am thankful for so many things today! A new friend of mine, a fellow fibromite, gave me some advice today. She said to try and find beauty in things and this will make you feel better. Boy, is she right! There are so many beautiful things in this world to be thankful for. I am thankful for this gorgeous weather we are having and the fact that I can keep the windows open and still be cool enough and feel the cool breeze upon my face. I think I will clean my windows or I will at least add that to my to do list, don't want to overdo it. I am thankful for my beautiful family and all of their love and support. Remember most days they are dealing with a monster and when you talk to her you never know if she may bite, because she feels so bad. I love my family so much close and far, they have no idea the joy they give me. As for my family here in the house, God Bless them!! They hold me up when I am ready to fall and make me laugh and giggle when I really need it and they let me rest on bad days and try their best to understand. I am grateful that I have been able to stop smoking fairly easy. Yes, I am on the patch.. but never thought I would get this far! I feel the benefits of this already. I am grateful that my husband has a job and can support our family. Times are very tough, but we are managing. I am so fortunate to be able to be home and rest. I am thankful for the ducks in our pond because on really bad days that I don't make it outside I can look out the window and hear them quacking and see them swimming around. There are so many things to be grateful for and I will make a point to notice them every day, whether I am feeling good or bad.

1 comment:

  1. My dear sweet daughter...I love you SO VERY much! You are an amazing woman and I am so incredibly proud of how you are dealing with your "new journey".
