Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday November 17th, 2009

Hello to all my friends, family and fellow Fibromites! LOL Love that term Fibromites! I picked that up off the NFA page. I have a great support group on Facebook. Anyway, I am new at this whole blogging thing, but I am trying to find my new place in life and I think this will help. I hope to help others along the way as well, by reading my posts.

Well, I have gotten my son off to school this morning and have found myself back in bed! Oh, the joys of being in pain and having no energy! As, I lay here on the heating pad, my mind starts to wander and gravitate towards negativity. I struggle at shifting my thoughts towards positive ones. My step sister also struggles daily, she has ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). She has given me the best tidbit of advice that anyone thus far has given to me. The advice is as follows, "Let yourself grieve over the things that you can longer do and be thankful for the things that you can." I have lost my old self in every aspect and my life has/is changing. This sounds like a simple bit of advice, but it is not easy to let your old self die and transform into your new self. This is a grieving procees. I must grieve. I think today, I will let myself just, grieve. I pray for a better tommorow as yesterday was a beautiful gift from God!


  1. Welcome to blogging! I have found it to be such a liberating experience.

    I agree with your step-sister. You must grieve. Have you ever lost a dear family member or friend to death? Did you just keep moving thru life, trying not to really think about it? Keeping busy so your mind wouldn't wander to thoughts about them? Eventually though, you faced it. You most likely cried one of those deep, earth shattering, soul cleansing cries. The one that when you were done, you felt completely emptied out. Do you know the kind I'm talking about? Anyone who has lost someone they care about is told to allow this process, to cry it out so that they can move forward.

    Now, knowing how that is when you lose someone else you care about....how much more important when it is the person you cultivated, cherished, and cared for YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!! I mean, can losing anyone else (with the exception of your children) really compare to losing yourself??

    Take the time to grieve. Very important also is that you share this with your children. They are most likely grieving as well. Trying to keep a bright face on for them all the time will only cause them to bottle up their grief. Let them know what you miss and the loss you feel. It will open up the doors of communication with them and give them the freedom to express their emotions. You know how you feel when it's one of those days and no one understands? How you go to the online support group and post about it, knowing your fellow fibromites will huddle around you and help you thru it? Well, your children need to know they are not alone in their grief. Share your grief together with them (and though I wasn't married when I was diagnosed, I would suggest you do this with your husband as well) and then, once the grieving has passed, rebuild a new and better life together!!

    Gentle hugs to you my fellow fibromite!

  2. My dear sweet daughter...I love you SO VERY much. I am incredibly proud of how you are handling your "new journey". You are such an amazing woman.
